Our Get-Together with our React.JS and .NET Core Bootcamp Graduates - SSTTEK Academy

Our Get-Together with our React.JS and .NET Core Bootcamp Graduates

Our SSTTEK Academy React.JS and .NET Core Bootcamp graduates met with our team and our founder Salim Satır at an enjoyable event and they received their graduation certificates. At this event, we not only celebrated the academic achievements of our software developer candidates, but also saw the positive results of their training on the most up-to-date technologies through productive conversations. As SSTTEK Academy, our journey to provide comprehensive training and mentoring, to train and support young talents in the field of software development—so that our graduates can transition to the industry smoothly and be equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary for success—continues unwaveringly.

At the heart of SSTTEK Academy’s mission is to help new generations achieve their dreams, and our bootcamp graduation event exemplifies the concrete results of our efforts in this direction. By providing connections between graduates and industry professionals, we aim to bridge the gap between education and employment, creating a community of talented and motivated individuals who are ready to contribute to the ever-evolving world of technology. As we continue to support our graduates on their journey, we look forward to witnessing their impact on the industry and the innovations they will pioneer in software development.

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