Education Roadmap - Academy

Education Roadmap

We implement the following strategies to achieve our goals, fulfill our mission and achieve long-term success:

  • Market Analysis and Segmentation: To analyze relevant markets, customer groups and the knowledge, skills and needs of SSTTEK employees in line with our target audience. Closely following technology and industry trends to keep our training materials up to date.
  • Various Training Programs: Offering a wide range of training to appeal to individuals and employees at different skill levels. Offering basic, intermediate and advanced level training to provide a continuous learning journey and ensure continuity.
  • Online Training Platform/Learning Management System Integration: Presenting our trainings via online and offline Learning Management System (LMS) platform to provide easy access and customized learning experience.
  • Expert Trainers: Providing training with experienced professionals in their fields and subjecting our trainers to continuous training and development to increase our teaching quality.
  • Student Support Services: Creating mentoring, guidance, or technical support teams to respond to the needs of our students and strengthen their education.
  • Collaborations: Establishing collaborations with national and international businesses to create opportunities that will contribute to the employment of our graduates and the development of our employees.
  • Measurability and Evaluation: Keeping our content up to date in line with student feedback and success rates to measure the effectiveness of training programs and update them regularly.
  • Sustainability and Growth: Keeping our training catalog up to date by making Academy services sustainable.
  • Community Participation: Organizing conferences, seminars and events by interacting and communicating with technology communities.

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