Key Features of .NET Core - SSTTEK Academy

Explaining .NET Core

It is a growing trend to have an application that is compatible with different devices. An application running this way offers a back-end for the web servers and a front-end that is used as an admin panel in windows desktop, web and mobile applications. This brings a need for a single framework that works on every platform.

That’s what Microsoft aimed to create with .NET Core. .NET Core is a free, open-source, general-purpose development platform provided by Microsoft as a new version of the .NE Framework. The main purpose of .NET Core is to make the .NET Framework open-source, cross-platform compatible, which can be used on a variety of systems, from databases to touch-screen devices.

Key Features of .NET Core

.NET Core is a cross-platform framework that runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems. .NET Core Framework can be used to build different types of applications such as mobile, desktop, web, cloud, IoT, machine learning, microservices, gaming. .NET Core was written to be a modular, lightweight, fast and cross-platform framework. In addition to the basic features, you can use add-on NuGet packages to accelerate the performance of your .NET Core application, reduce its memory footprint and make it easier to maintain. 

Here are the top features that make .NET Core useful: 

  • Open-source framework
  • Cross-platform operation on Windows, macOS and Linux 
  • Consistency across different architectures 
  • Wide variety of applications such as mobile, desktop, web, cloud, IoT, machine learning, microservices, gaming. 
  • Supports multiple languages such as C#, F# and Visual Basic programming languages 
  • Modular architecture 
  • CLI tools 
  • Flexible distribution 
  • Compatibility

Start Learning .NET Core

If you want to learn the .NET Core framework and strengthen your back-end knowledge, SSTTEK Academy back-end trainings are for you. To learn .NET Core practically with the guidance of SSTTEK’s expert, active and experienced back-end developers, apply now to SSTTEK Academy back-end trainings! 

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